CFC Pastoral Internship

Below is a summary of our 16-week pastoral internship

Purpose: The purpose of this internship is to provide an atmosphere within a local church to train, equip, and affirm men for pastoral ministry. There are five potential benefits in considering this internship:

  1. Receive a supportive and loving environment of a local church that assumes responsibility for the care, training, and education of the intern.
  2. Receive practical understanding and training for the essential areas of pastoral ministry within the local church.
  3. Gain an official church position approved by the church that can go on a resume reflecting ministry experience.
  4. Opportunity for a local congregation to affirm an individual’s gifts and calling.
  5. Be given opportunities to gain experience in preaching. 

Internship Duration: We offer three different internship opportunities, each consisting of approximately 16 weeks. We offer Spring (January-April), Summer (May-August), and Fall (September-December).

Hourly requirements: The approximate required time will be between 10-20 hours/week. Scheduling will be flexible (within reason) to the intern's needs and availability. 

Compensation: There is no salary for this internship. All required books will be provided by CFC. 


  1. Sermon and worship service planning and preparation.
  2. Pastoral care: hospitals, visitation, and member care/counseling.
  3. Public worship service involvement and evaluation.
  4. Mid-week event participation (D.O.T.S., Youth Group, Bible Study, etc.).
  5. Funeral and wedding involvement.
  6. Leadership meetings (elders, board, committees, etc.).
  7. 4 books (1/month) to read and discuss with pastor.
  8.  Maintain a discipling relationship with an older man (not the pastor).

Supervisor: The primary supervisor will be the pastor of CFC, however, the elders of CFC will also be involved in some capacities. 


  1. Read and write review of Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney.
  2. Read and write review of The Soul Winner by Charles Spurgeon.
  3. Read and write review of The Pastor’s Ministry by Brian Croft.
  4. Read and write review of On Being a Pastor by Allistair Begg.
  5. Work on sermon preparation (weekly).
  6. Do a sermon preview with the pastor (weekly).
  7. Discuss curriculum content with the pastor (weekly).
  8. Meet with the pastor for prayer and fellowship (weekly).