Purpose: The purpose of this internship is to provide an atmosphere within a local church to train, equip, and affirm men for pastoral ministry. There are five potential benefits in considering this internship:
- Receive a supportive and loving environment of a local church that assumes responsibility for the care, training, and education of the intern.
- Receive practical understanding and training for the essential areas of pastoral ministry within the local church.
- Gain an official church position approved by the church that can go on a resume reflecting ministry experience.
- Opportunity for a local congregation to affirm an individual’s gifts and calling.
- Be given opportunities to gain experience in preaching.
Internship Duration: We offer three different internship opportunities, each consisting of approximately 16 weeks. We offer Spring (January-April), Summer (May-August), and Fall (September-December).
Hourly requirements: The approximate required time will be between 10-20 hours/week. Scheduling will be flexible (within reason) to the intern's needs and availability.
Compensation: There is no salary for this internship. All required books will be provided by CFC.
- Sermon and worship service planning and preparation.
- Pastoral care: hospitals, visitation, and member care/counseling.
- Public worship service involvement and evaluation.
- Mid-week event participation (D.O.T.S., Youth Group, Bible Study, etc.).
- Funeral and wedding involvement.
- Leadership meetings (elders, board, committees, etc.).
- 4 books (1/month) to read and discuss with pastor.
- Maintain a discipling relationship with an older man (not the pastor).
Supervisor: The primary supervisor will be the pastor of CFC, however, the elders of CFC will also be involved in some capacities.
- Read and write review of Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney.
- Read and write review of The Soul Winner by Charles Spurgeon.
- Read and write review of The Pastor’s Ministry by Brian Croft.
- Read and write review of On Being a Pastor by Allistair Begg.
- Work on sermon preparation (weekly).
- Do a sermon preview with the pastor (weekly).
- Discuss curriculum content with the pastor (weekly).
- Meet with the pastor for prayer and fellowship (weekly).